
Who is RED?

Hi! I'm Rachel, the "R" in RED. 

Back in 2001 after I graduated from college, I started my first business designing and selling jewelry. I named the business RED for Rachel Elkinson Designs, figuring the acronym would be much easier to remember than how to spell my last name! RED Jewelry chugged along for a number of years, until my daughter was born in 2009 and I found myself scaling back considerably. Over the past 5 years, I've continued to design and sell some jewelry on a smaller (mostly custom) basis but have also begun ventures in other media - custom stationery designs, painting/stenciling, and of course, sewing. My desire to make a few cute summer dresses for my daughter has exploded into a full-blown obsession with sewing (thanks, Mom!) and a house overrun by machines and supplies. We've always joked in our family that we don't do anything halfway - when we are in, we are ALL in. So here I am. I'm planning to use this space to share my sewing adventures and misadventures, my pattern testing endeavors, and anything else that comes along and seems worth sharing. Thanks for joining me!