Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Back to School with Simple Life Pattern Company!

Um, where did the summer go??! It's been relatively low-key around here this year, but anytime the kids are home for an extended length of time my productivity in the studio goes out the window. The kids' ability to be next to each other without physical contact has gone out the window by now, too, so we've been keeping busy. Lots of fun activities and projects around here, but back-to-school time is fast approaching.

Here in the northeast, we don't start school until Labor Day in early September, so Miss P still has about 3 weeks of summer fun before first grade begins. She's changed her mind about a dozen times already about what she'll wear for her first day, but the recent choice seems to be sticking - the Simple Life Patterns Cora has had our hearts since we tested it a few months ago. Her main criteria was that it needed to be a dress, since dress days are a bit scarce due to her 3x-per-week gym class schedule. Our public school doesn't have a particularly strict dress code, so the strappy top is acceptable and the length is perfect.

 The pleated bodice option of the Cora is a showstopper, and it wasn't very difficult to achieve. The work-to-impact ratio is solidly in our favor on this one!

Miss P loves the bodice and the dainty straps also, but her favorite feature is the bold ruffle at the bottom of the skirt. Full twirling capability is still a must in first grade!

To be honest, Miss P's closet is full of pretty dresses, but she reaches for her SLPCo dresses nearly every time there's a special occasion. She wore a Megan dress to her pre-K graduation two years ago, and then a different Megan for her school picture day last year in Kindergarten. We both love that they fit well and are comfortable enough for school but have unique details that are just perfect for a special event or celebration. <3

Please make sure to stop by all of the other stops on our Back to School Blog Tour, and enter the awesome giveaway and linkup below. :)